Monday, September 10

A Prayer for Families by Elaine Davenport ( Week of September 10th -16th, 2007)

Father, please hear our prayer. Father we lift up every family. We ask You to pour Your Love and your mercy and grace on them. It is our prayer that if they are broken; that they will be healed. Families face so much in this world Father. Your word says that whatsoever things we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever things we lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. So we bind: abuse, trauma, poverty, alcoholism, drugs, neglect, suicide, gangs, cults, abductions, shaken baby syndrome, SID's disorder, ADD, unemployment, homelessness, mental illness, any form of sickness and disease, mismanagement of funds, disorganization, disobedience, schisms, miscommunication, division, anger, deceit or anything that might bring hurt, harm, fear or danger to any family. We loose knowledge, peace, wisdom, order, love, joy, prosperity and wholeness to families. You Blessed us with families and yet we face so much so we cast our cares and burdens on You because we know that You care for us.

Help each of us to appreciate and value the people in our lives. Five us words and acts of kindness at the right times to demonstrate the love of God. Help us to remember that the Greater One lives on the inside of us. Give us favor in our relationships, the ability to adapt, be flexible and not to be rattled. Help us to be mindful of the feelings of others. Teach us to hold our tongues when necessary. Allow us to use words that will paint a beautiful picture of the wonderful beings that we are . Allow us to be humble and patient. Correct us when we are wrong, order our steps, lead us in the right ways. As we walk, dispense our ministering angels before us to prosper our way.

Teach us to grow in Godly wisdom, make a way for us to increase, court us as we build our faith, forgive us our sins as we walk the straight and narrow path trying not to miss it to the left or to the right. Touch us so that we'll remember to be thankful, to be bold, to tell others about you unashamedly. Remind us not to be prideful. Mark us in such a way that others will want to know what we know and separate us unto You. Allow us quiet time each day with you and open a passage way for us to grow and mature, spiritually, emotionally, physically and whatever way You deem is necessary.

Father, if we have left anything uncovered or if we have overlooked anything at all big or small; please cover us. We thank You and ask it all in the Authority of our defense attorney; Jesus The High Priest. Amen

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